Optimal Muscle Activation w/ Kinesiologist Majorie Lauzon

Majorie Lauzon
Well I'm two weeks into the off-season and I'm happy to report that the CT Scan on my scapula came back with good news. The fracture I suffered on  Tour of Alberta's windy Stage 3 to Drummheller did not extend through to the socket of the shoulder, which makes sense because if it did I would have been in a lot more pain than I was already. Fortunately I was able to suffer through the last two days of the tour and finish in downtown Calgary with my teammates. Throughout the week's effort, the team scored two top ten results and spend 2 days in the all-day breakaway so it was a moderate success, one in which to take confidence but also many lessons learned into the off-season. The atmosphere in and around the event was everything I hoped it would be and I hope to get a chance to go back! Click for CyclinginaToque Episodes.

Majo's Website
But I would have never made it to the start line if it wasn't for the mid-season intervention that turned around my dismal spring when I visited Majo for the first time on July 1st. Since then I've been able to regain my strength and complete a 4 week block of training in August that would have seemed impossible had I reviewed the training plan as my previous self. It was an incredible transformation.

To learn more about what Majo can do for you, check out her website or watch this brief CyclinginaToque episode below.

Toque Coaching: Optimal Muscle Activation w/ Kinesiologist Majorie Lauzon

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Optimal Muscle Activation w/ Kinesiologist Majorie Lauzon

Majorie Lauzon
Well I'm two weeks into the off-season and I'm happy to report that the CT Scan on my scapula came back with good news. The fracture I suffered on  Tour of Alberta's windy Stage 3 to Drummheller did not extend through to the socket of the shoulder, which makes sense because if it did I would have been in a lot more pain than I was already. Fortunately I was able to suffer through the last two days of the tour and finish in downtown Calgary with my teammates. Throughout the week's effort, the team scored two top ten results and spend 2 days in the all-day breakaway so it was a moderate success, one in which to take confidence but also many lessons learned into the off-season. The atmosphere in and around the event was everything I hoped it would be and I hope to get a chance to go back! Click for CyclinginaToque Episodes.

Majo's Website
But I would have never made it to the start line if it wasn't for the mid-season intervention that turned around my dismal spring when I visited Majo for the first time on July 1st. Since then I've been able to regain my strength and complete a 4 week block of training in August that would have seemed impossible had I reviewed the training plan as my previous self. It was an incredible transformation.

To learn more about what Majo can do for you, check out her website or watch this brief CyclinginaToque episode below.


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